EntityState 列舉類型
Add Attach and Entity States
Entity Framework Automatic Detect Changes
Undo changes in entity framework entities ***
ADO.Net Entity Framework : (十五) 深入探討,物件間傳遞,以及EntityKey、EntityState
Entity Framework 更新時出現「ObjectStateManager 中已經有具有相同索引鍵的物件。ObjectStateManager 無法追蹤多個具有相同索引鍵的物件。」錯誤
Secrets of DetectChanges Part 1: What does DetectChanges do?
Entity Framework Code First Change tracking
[C#.NET][Entity Framework] 快取查詢與 DbEntityEntry.Reload
EF5: Entity Framework cache problems
DbContext cached data
Entity Framework and Connection Pooling
使用 EF4 构建 N 层应用程序
Building N-Tier Apps with EF4