Rhino Mocks
Rhino Mocks 3.5
Using Rhino.Mocks – quick guide to generating mocks and stubs
Unit testing with Mock objects (Rhino Mocks)
Getting Started with Rhino Mocks (AAA)
TDD : Introduction to Rhino Mocks
Rhino Mocks Arrange Act Assert (AAA) Syntax Quick Reference
[30天快速上手TDD][Day 7]Unit Test - Stub, Mock, Fake 簡介
How to write better unit tests using RhinoMocks and stubs
How do I combine two interfaces when creating mocks?
JonKruger RhinoMocksExamples
stub vs mock
Rhino Mocks 3.5 Design Decisions: The role of Stub vs. Mock
Rhino Mocks - Stub .Expect vs .AssertWasCalled