

jQuery Upload File

因為要用 web api 做檔案上傳,找了幾篇教學:
Uploading Files Asynchronously using ASP.NET Web API
How can I upload files asynchronously with jQuery?
jQuery Ajax File Upload

發現要直接用jQuery post上傳檔案,它的data是個FormData物件,然而IE在10之後才有支援此功能。。。

How to handle image uploads with jquery post submit
Send multipart/formdata with jQuery.ajax in IE
JQuery - File attributes

Simple File Uploads Using jQuery & AJAX FormData object
Using FormData Objects

解法:jQuery Form Plugin
Uploading a file with JQuery
ASP.NET MVC - 使用 jQuery Form Plugin 做檔案上傳
ASP.NET MVC - 使用 jQuery Form Plugin 做檔案上傳之加點東西

Sending HTML Form Data: File Upload and Multipart MIME
ASP.NET Web API samples
File Upload Sample
Asynchronous File Upload using ASP.NET Web API

How To Accept a File POST - ASP.Net MVC 4 WebAPI
How can I upload image and post some datas to MVC4 wep api method?

ASP.NET WEBAPI file upload, issues with IE9
Sending HTML Form Data: File Upload and Multipart MIME 发送HTML表单数据:文件上传与多部分MIME"
ASP.NET WebApi upload image with custom MediaTypeFormatter

定制jQuery File Upload为微博式单文件上传

[jQuery] AjaxFileUpload : Multiple File Upload plugin

File upload with JQuery and ASP.NET Generic Handler - Is it possible?
ASP.Net Asynchronous HTTP File Upload Handler
Large file uploads in ASP.NET

ASP.NET MVC 檔案上傳下載是很方便的

Upload files to the server using Javascript and MVC WebAPI
Upload files in ASP.NET MVC with JavaScript and C#
Importing CSV files using jQuery and HTML5

IE9 JSON Data “do you want to open or save this file”
var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, json); //, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter()
response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/html");
return response;

[ASP.net WebForm] 利用jQuery blockUI 簡單實現上傳讀取中的效果
