

ASP.NET Sample Projects

ASP.NET CMS: Administration
CCS LABS C#: Creating a Windows Forms Application With Login

ASP.NET Web Forms Application Using Entity Framework 4.0 Database First
ASP.NET Web Forms Application Using Entity Framework Database First - V2

Model Binding with ASP.NET Web Forms

Microsoft .NET Pet Shop
PetShop for .NET3.5
Microsoft .NET Pet Shop 4 的架構分析
ASP.NET2.0 Petshop4.0 视频教程详解系列
PetShop4.0工厂模式及Profile Provider的实现
.Net Pet Shop 4 初探之一:初识PetShop4
.Net Pet Shop 4 初探之二:数据层(DAL)简析(上)
.Net Pet Shop 4 初探之二:数据层(DAL)简析(下)
.Net Pet Shop 4 初探之三:用户界面层布局
.Net Pet Shop 4 初探之四:购物篮模块
.Net Pet Shop 4 初探之五:订单管理模块

.Net Petshop详解(一): petshop概览和准备工作
.Net Petshop详解(二): petshop三层结构之DataTier
.NET Petshop详解(三):petshop三层结构之MiddleTire
.NET Petshop详解(四):petshop三层结构之PresentationTier
.NET Petshop详解(五):petshop输出缓存设置

Duwamish 7.0
对比.NET PetShop和Duwamish来探讨Ado.NET的数据库编程模式

ASP.NET Previous Downloads
ASP.NET 入門套件
ASP.NET 入門套件版本 1.1
ASP.NET Starter Kit 挖寶記專欄
Employee Info Starter Kit
Employee Info Starter Kit (v4.0.0) - Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4.0 Version is Available Now


Tower Game Starter Kit gives you a head start on your game!

Layered Architecture: Partitioning the Code
Layered Architecture Solution Guidance (LASG)
Layered Architecture Sample for .NET

ASP.NET Boilerplate
Introduction to ASP.NET Boilerplate ***
Using AngularJs, ASP.NET MVC, Web API and EntityFramework to build NLayered Single Page Web Applications
Unit testing in C# using xUnit, Entity Framework, Effort and ASP.NET Boilerplate.
Dependency Injection and Unit Of Work using Castle Windsor and NHibernate

ASP.NET MVC Boilerplate

ASP.NET MVC.Template introduction ***

nerddinner MVC example
Magazine management website - An ASP.NET MVC 4 Sample
ASP.NET MVC 5 – CRUD operations with Entity Framework 6 on Visual Studio 2013

WAQS: Write your code faster and better

Asp.net open source marketplace framework - BeYourMarket

Ghost For the .NET Developer

Opserver Stack Exchange's Monitoring System
