

Entity Framework

ASP.NET Data Access - Recommended Resources
ADO.NET Entity Framework
Entity Data Model 工具
Entity Framework (EF) Documentation
EF Power Tools

Code First Migrate
Config File Settings

[料理佳餚] 使用 Entity Framework Code First 應該要知道的 TPH、TPT、TPC


Entities.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;
Entities.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = true;

Data Access Hands-on Labs

Entity Framework Tutorial

Entity Framework Tutorial for Beginners
Entity Framework快速入门--索引贴
Entity Framework 快速上手 & 學習資源整理
ADO.Net Entity Framework
SQL Server 2008 Entity Data Model 和 Linq to Entities

ADO.NET Entity Framework 概觀
首次接觸 ADO.NET Entity Framework
讀寫 ADO.NET Entity Framework
由 LINQ 存取 ADO.NET 物件
整合 ADO.NET Entity Framework 到應用程式中

[C#] 取得欄位的資料標記 Data Annotation from Metadata Class

Entity Framework Sample Provider
Custom ORM - Map your entity with DataSet/DataTable/DataReader

ADO.Net Entity Framework - Entity Data Model
ADO.Net Entity Framework - 簡易資料查詢

Tips for Updating and Refactoring Your Entity Framework Code
Tips for Updating and Refactoring Your Entity Framework Code, Part 2

Building the Business Logic Layer classes with Entity Framework and Code First
Various strategies to initialize Database in Entity Framework

EF Designer Code Generation Templates
Entity Framework Repository & Unit of Work T4 Template
Using T4 templates in Entity framework

Writing SQL queries for entities
Entity Framework Automatic Detect Changes

How to seed data with AddOrUpdate with a complex key in EF 4.3

Add/Attach and Entity States
MERGE-like function in Entity Framework
Update Row if it Exists Else Insert Logic with Entity Framework

Entity Framework and slow bulk INSERTs
Prefixing ID columns with the table name in Entity Framework
Executing Raw SQL Queries using Entity Framework
Working with Stored Procedures in Entity Framework - Part 1
Calling Stored Procedures from Entity Framework

Entity Framework projections to Immutable Types (IEnumerable vs IQueryable)

Implementing a WCF Service with Entity Framework (v4.5)

Performing Asynchronous Operations Using Entity Framework

Domain modeling with Entity Framework scorecard

Entity Validation and the Entity Framework – Part 1
Entity Validation and the Entity Framework – Part 2
Update: Entity Framework Generic Data Access

Social Club: Sample application using WinForms, C#.NET, ADO.NET and MS Access
SocialClub: A Sample application using C#.NET, Entity Framework 5 and LocalDb

Using the Repository Pattern with ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework

Code first migration commands for Entity Framework
EF Code First Migrations Deployment to an Azure Cloud Service

Event Calendar with Entity Framework: Quick Guide and Sample

Seeding Entity Framework Database from CSV

Missing EF Feature Workarounds: Cascade delete orphans
Missing EF Feature Workarounds: Encapsulated collections

Avoid many-to-many mappings in ORMs

Catching Bad Data in Entity Framework

Entity Framework Refresh context?
[C#.NET][Entity Framework] 快取查詢與 DbEntityEntry.Reload
[C#.NET][Entity Framework] 幾個提升 EF 效能的方法

Entity Framework Performance and What You Can Do About It
91 FB 解說

