Programming in C# Jump Start
Visual C# 2013 Step by Step
C# in a Nutshell Code Listings
C# 7新語法預覽
一覽 C# 7.0 中的新功能
WiX toolset Windows Installer
Some practices to write better C#/.NET code
Code Review Checklist & Guidelines for C# Developers
C# Fundamentals: Development for Absolute Beginners
C# 程式設計手冊
All-In-One Code Framework Coding Standards
C# Coding Standards document
C# Coding Guidelines
C# 編碼規範(Coding Standard)參考文件
[C#]Code Convention Sample
XML 文件註解 (C# 程式設計手冊)
Three Essential Tips For Async - Introduction
Using Async/Await Task Methods With SQL Queries .NET 4.5 ***
针对异步 MVVM 应用程序的模式:命令
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Concepts (OOP) and More
Windows Form 使用者入門
[Event]委派 & 事件 (範例)
C# Anonymous Method
Catching Unhandled Exceptions [C#]
Exceptions exist for a reason – use them!
VC# 網路(遊戲)程式設計 由淺入深
Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource is now stable
Microsoft EventSource Library
[技術] 如何撰寫VSTS 2008的Custom Rule
Effective C# 翻译
[C#]Tuple 簡介
C# 4 - Tuples
Convert IEnumerable to a DataTable
Simplest code to export a datatable into .csv format
亂數產生器:Random 與 RNGCryptoServiceProvider
C# 中的進制轉換
VB.NET 與 C# 語言轉換器
如何發送內嵌圖片的 E-mail ( Inline Attachment )
System.Web.Mail 太陽春、System.Net.Mail 有問題
C# 3.0 初體驗:Extension Method
ZZZ Projects .NET ExtensionMethods
C# 如何取得兩個 DateTime 日期之間的天數
發現 C# 中有一個特殊的運算子 "??"
CODE-enum, string, int間的轉換
把 enum 型別的所有列舉常數轉換成一個陣列或字典
One More C# Enum Enhancement
How to add methods to an enum in C#
Enumeration Types do not Enumerate! Working around .NET and Language Limitations
如何利用 .NET 檢查某「路徑字串」是檔案或目錄
Extracting file metadata with C# and the .NET Framework
FileSystemWatcher 類別應用實例 監控檔案系統
[ASP.NET] 實做 FileUpload 的檔案大小方法
[ASP.NET] ASP.NET C# 檢查上傳的圖檔是否為真的圖檔
Adding 「Check for update」 feature to your C# application
Check for updates: how to download and install a new version of your C# application
[C#][VB.NET] VB.NET 的程式透過 SendMessage 傳送資訊到 C# 的程式
使用 yield return 指令傳回匿名型別集合物件***
[Array] .NET 陣列詳論
如何避免相同的 ConsoleApp 或 WinForm 同時間重複執行
SharpDevelop 3.0 - 中文化方式
[C#][WebForm]Excel to GridView
[C#][WinForm]如何利用textBox傳值給Crystal Report
[C#][WebForm]Gridview to CrystalReport
.NET Framework 開發人員手冊 序列化
如何用 C# 撰寫序列化(Serialize)與反序列化(Deserialize)
用 C# 撰寫序列化(Serialize)與反序列化(Deserialize) - Part 2
C# : Properties and Serialization
用.NET展現多核威力(1) - 從ThreadPool翻船談起
用.NET展現多核威力(2) - 一核一緒 王者之道?
用.NET展現多核威力(2A) - 一核一緒補充包
Visual C#: Thread.Sleep vs. Task.Delay
Threadsafe Incrementing in C#
C# 發行版本 怎麼抓?
C# ActiveX 控件
C#獲取存儲過程的 Return返回值和Output輸出參數值
Visual Studio 如何設定函式為已過時(obsolete)
C# Split String Examples
C# Split Improvement
HOW TO:使用 My 命名空間 (C# 程式設計手冊)
VB.NET的 "My" 與 C#的 "That"
IDisposable, Done Right
YouTube Downloader Using C# .NET
Simple Popup Control
A Fully Featured Windows HTTP Wrapper in C++
Facebook SDK for .NET - Featured in the Facebook Technology Partner program
Facebook C# SDK
m.Facebook with C#
Using Direct2D from a service in C#
Generating complex math visualizations in SVG using C# and ILNumerics
Master time with Reactive Extensions
Smart Duration Class
How to use two different languages in a .NET Project
General Windows Service: Debugged as Console Application and Managed with System Tray
Tray notifications in C# and PowerShell
Download PowerShell Script Browser 1.0
Executing PowerShell scripts from C#
How To Add Search Capability To .Net Applications Using
QueueBackgroundWorkItem to reliably schedule and run background processes in ASP.NET
How to run Background Tasks in ASP.NET
Quartz Enterprise Scheduler .NET (Mail Notification)
Event Calendar with Entity Framework: Quick Guide and Sample
使用Hangfire處理ASP.NET MVC/Web API長時間與排程工作
C# WebServer Using Sockets
Understanding .NET Attributes
Improve Logging using C# 5.0 Caller Info Attributes
C# Tips: Running External Applications from Windows Forms
Changing Your Application User Interface Culture On The Fly
default(T) versus Activator.CreateInstance(T)
Why We Should Love 'null'
介紹好用函式庫:NLog - Advanced .NET Logging
How to NLog (2.1) with VisualStudio 2013
Logging: How to Growl with NLog 3 (or 2.1)
Extension Methods Library
C# Extension Methods Library
C# Extension Methods Demystified
Rx (Reactive Extensions)
Interactive Extensions - Awesome Libraries For C# Developers #1
Reactive Extensions Or Rx (More On IEnumerable, IQueryable, IObservable and IQbservable) - Awesome Libraries For C# Developers #2
Neuronal.NET - An Easy Implementation of Neuronal Networks
Deep Neural Networks: A Getting Started Tutorial
Neural Networks Using C# Succinctly
Would you like a MultiDictionary?
[ASP.NET][C#]使用HtmlAgilityPack(3) 擷取網頁上永遠最新股票資訊-自動更新,3008以大立光為例
AngleSharp Bringing the DOM to C# with a HTML5/CSS3 parser written in C#.
HTML Agility Pack:簡單好用的快速 HTML Parser
[Windows Phone/C#] C# 網頁擷取資料 解析網頁標籤(HTML Parser )API -HTML Agility Pack 以Windows Phone 8 為例
Web Crawling With C#