


Hands On Lab: Build a Single Page Application (SPA) with ASP.NET Web API and Angular.js
MVC Web API And AngularJS: Are You Genius Game
AngularJS CRUD Operations With Web API Using SQL Database

使用 AngularJS 在 ASP.NET 專案上開發企業水準的應用
Building a Single Page Application with ASP.NET and AngularJS
Building Rich Apps with AngularJS on ASP.NET
Learn How to Build a Modern Web Application with Client Side JavaScript and ASP.NET
Building Universal Angular Apps
Building Modern Web Applications with Visual Studio and Web Essentials
Using AngularJS in an ASP.Net Application

Angular JS blog series – Table of content *****
Creating an Angular application end-2-end – Part 1
Writing an Angular JS application end-2-end–Part 2
Creating an Angular application end-2-end – Part 3


[鐵人30天]當ASP.NET MVC 遇見 Angular.js MVC 客戶管理系統

AngularJS for .NET Developers
Learning {{AngularJS}} with Examples–Part 1
Learning {{AngularJS}} with Examples–Part 2
Learning {{AngularJS}} with ASP.NET MVC – Part 3
Learning {{AngularJS}} with ASP.NET MVC – Part 4
Learning {{AngularJS}} with ASP.NET MVC – Part 5

Getting Started with AngularJS in ASP.NET MVC - Part 1
Posting Data & AngularJS Custom Directives in an ASP.NET MVC application
Defining AngularJS Routing in an ASP.NET MVC application
Using AngularJS and TypeScript to Build Single Page Applications (SPA)

How to use AngularJS in ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework
Using AngularJs, ASP.NET MVC, Web API and EntityFramework to build NLayered Single Page Web Applications
Single-Page App with AngularJS and ASP.NET MVC 4
Building a Single Page Application with ASP.NET and AngularJS

Best way to pass variable from config file in .net MVC4 to Angular scope
Bootstrapping AngularJS Applications with Server-Side Data from ASP.NET MVC & Razor ***
Passing .NET Server-Side Data to JavaScript

Angular JS Filter, Sorting and Animation using MVC and WCF Rest
Angular JS Shopping Cart using MVC and WCF Rest

AngularJS SPA Template
Templates for Visual Studio 2012/2013

The World's Simplest AngularJS Example in Visual Studio
AngularJS in Visual Studio: Filters
AngularJS in Visual Studio: Data Binding

Project Tracking Website using AngularJS and ASP.NET Web API ***
ASP.NET WEB API: Consuming Binary Contents (Images)
ASP.NET Web API application with Angularjs Forms and Bootstrap
【AngularJs + ASP.NET MVC】使用AntularJs快速建立ASP.NET MVC SPA網站
Demo SPA App for ASP.NET Web API 2 and AngularJS
Single Page CRUD Application (SPA) using ASP.NET Web API, MVC and Angular.js

AngularJS Token Authentication using ASP.NET Web API 2, Owin, and Identity
Token Based Authentication using ASP.NET Web API 2, Owin, and Identity
Two Factor Authentication in ASP.NET Web API & AngularJS using Google Authenticator
AngularJS: Enable OWIN Refresh Tokens Using ASP.NET Web API 2

MVC, Angular JS CRUD using WEB API 2 with Stored Procedure
Building a Kanban board application using AngularJS, WebApi, SignalR and HTML5

AngularJS + ASP.NET Web Api + TypeScript
Consensus: Bringing it all together

Protect your Web API from CSRF attacks with ANTI FORGERY TOKENS

AngularJS, ASP.NET MVC 4 and SEO

Bundling and Minifying an AngularJS Application with ASP.NET MVC

Slides and Code from my AngleBrackets/DevIntersection Talks: AngularJS, ASP.NET MVC, jQuery and JavaScript

ASP.NET 5 angularJS application using angular-ui-router
Batching in an ASP.NET 5 AngularJS application using angular-http-batcher
ASP.NET 5 Typescript AngularJS application with a grunt production configuration
Using ASP.NET 5 and EF7 with Modern Web Dev Tools like AngularJS and Grunt

ASP.NET 5: Jump Start to AngularJS with MVC 6 Web API
